Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

Our aimed is to ensure our customers’ satisfaction on our products.

If there are products defect when you receive the item, you can contact us for exchange within 3 days of after receive subject to conditions below.

We DO NOT offer refund services, but we are able to replace or exchange.

No Return/Exchange on the following:

Products has been use and affected reselling purpose.


Please read all conditions below.If conditions are not met, Rejuvenate Glamour reserves the right to refuse the exchange.

The item is your responsibility until it reaches us.

Any used reward points/discount codes for the returned order will be voided and not refundable/re-usable.

Usage of points on subsequent purchases will not be awarded for additional points.

Return of items must be requested within 3 days of receiving your parcel.

and contact your seller to arrange for exchange or replacement.

Your exchange or replacement item will be processed within 7-14 working days.

Please contact us at: [email protected] if you have any questions.